

Eurhinosaurus longirostris

Posidonia Shale, Early Jurassic: Toarcian,
approx. 180 Mio. years old
Ohmden, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Ichthyosaurs were the most widely adapted group of reptiles to life in water. The body is streamlined, the arms and legs have been transformed into paddles, and the animals possessed a fish-like tail fin and a dorsal fin similar to a dolphin. They were apparently inhabitants of the open oceans and fed on fish, squid, and probably smaller marine reptiles.

SNSB-BSPG 1962 I 308

Rundgang Fossile Saurier & Vögel


Dinosaurs and fossil birds tour

Ichthyosaurs were the most widely adapted group of reptiles to life in water.

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Marine Crocodile

Dinosaurs and fossil birds tour

Crocodiles are an ancient group of reptiles that have been around since the Triassic period. In the Mesozoic Era they were very diverse and occurred in numerous habitats.

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Giant Flightless Bird (Moa)

Dinosaurs and fossil birds tour

Before the arrival of humans, probably between 1250 and 1300 A.D., there were no mammals of any kind on the archipelago of New Zealand, except for two species of bats.

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