About Us
The Bavarian State Collection for Palaeontology and Geology is a center for documenting and researching the history of development and the diversity of life on Earth, the interrelationships between organisms and with the Earth system (geobiology), as well as the geological foundations. In Bavaria, this is the state institution responsible for fossil findings and rocks. Since its existence, the State Collection has been closely connected with the respective chair of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University spatially, functionally and by personal union in management (currently Chair of Palaeontology and Geobiology). The cooperation includes the areas research, collection care, teaching, library as well as the workshops.
Palaeontological research focuses on aspects of taxonomy, systematics, evolution, biodiversity, stratigraphy and palecology of prehistoric fauna and flora.
The tasks of the State Collection also include the recovery and preservation of fossil and rock materials through its own collections and excavations, as well as the preparation, conservation, documentation, supplementation and conservational care of the collection objects.
An essential task of the collection is the dissemination of scientific research results to specialist scientists and the general public. This is done, on the one hand, through the publication of the journal series Zitteliana, and, on the other hand, the public educational mission is fulfilled through exhibitions at the Palaeontological and Geological Museum Munich, cooperation with schools, and via the new media. The task also includes providing expert advice to other institutions and the press, as well as loans to other museums and research institutions.
The State Collection is supported in its activities by two sponsoring associations, the Friends of the Bavarian State Collection for Paleontology and Historical Geology, Munich e.V. and the Friends of the Geological State Collection Munich e.V.
- SNSB (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns)
- Paleontology & Geobiology at Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences (LMU München) - Fakultät für Geowissenschaften (LMU München)
- GeoBio-Center (LMU München)
- MPZ (Museumspädagogisches Zentrum)
- Geologie am Department für Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften (LMU München)
- Paläontologische Gesellschaft
- Freunde der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie München e.V.
- Freundeskreis der Geologischen Staatssammlung München e.V.