Cave Bear


Ursus spelaeus

Quaternary: Pleistocene: Late Pleistocene, approx. 29.000 years old
Zoolith cave in Burggaillenreuth, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany

Cave bears were bears of the European Ice Age, whose bones are found mainly in caves, where they would retreat for hibernation. They fed mainly on plants and could reach up to 3.50 m in body length and 1.70 m in shoulder height, which was larger than today’s polar and brown bears.

SNSB-BSPG 1974 I 337
Original (from multiple individuals)

Rundgang fossile Säugetiere

Giant Deer

Fossil mammals tour

The giant deer got its name from the male’s antlers, which could have a span of up to 3.60 m, a record among all known antlers, be that fossil or present-day.

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Fossil mammals tour

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Saber-Toothed Cat

Fossil mammals tour

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